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Seasonal Maintenance

The perfect lawn requires maintenance all year round! Some months require more attention than others; this guide will advise when to preform maintenance tasks and why they are necessary to ensure that perfect lawn.

Note: If you have pets, then their urine can burn the grass. There are various products on the market to prevent this! Adding mineral stones to their water is an effective way. 


Maintenance Checklist


March - May

Early spring brings with it morning frosts and heavy rainfall, we suggest avoiding walking on the turf during such times. Lay boards down to help distribute weight if access is required, but remember to switch the boards around from time to time to prevent patch damage. 

Checklist criteria will be spoken about in more detail in text!

Needs Cutting - If suitable conditions permit!

  • Cut height - High deck height

  • Cuts per week - Once every 2 weeks

Water application   

Fertiliser application - Follow instructions on product

Weed killer application - Follow instructions on product

Moss removal - Follow instructions on product

Maintenance on tools - If you haven't done so already, now is the time!

Maintenance can commence when dry enough:​​

  • Mower Maintenance - The grass will start growing again so the lawn mower can be brought out from hibernation. Make sure all the appropriate maintenance has been carried out on tools before use. 

  • Height of Blade - Should be set to the highest setting at the start and as time progresses this should be lowered.

  • Number of Cuts - Depends on weather and grass growth. The grass will only have started growing so keep cutting to a minimum. As temperatures rise, and growth rate increases, so will the amount of cuts, proceed accordingly and remove cuttings.

  • Patchy Spots - Now is the time to do some repair work, use some grass seed and fill in the sparse areas, if these areas are large enough, simply re-turf them.

  • Fertiliser Application Fertiliser provides essential nutrients for greener grass, encouraging growth, helping repair discoloured and heavy footfall areas. Too much can negatively affect the grass, so apply evenly and follow product instructions. 

  • Weed Killer - Apply Glyphosate chemical to non-grass species. Follow the product instructions to prevent damage to the grass. Alternatively, remove by hand, making sure the root is removed to avoid re-growth.

  • Moss Removal -  Once the lawn has been cut reasonably short, then on a dry day the moss can be raked away. Apply the moss chemical after raking to kill what is left, following product instruction. Apply gentle pressure when raking, making sure you rake and remove the debris a couple of times. 


June - August

Early summer will be peak growing season for all garden vegetation. That said, there are a few things we have to bare in mind. Tall scrub can often cast heavy shade, if this occurs over turf, it will limit growth and general plant health. If possible trim back such areas giving the grass maximum amounts of light. 

Maintenance Checklist

Checklist criteria will be spoken about in more detail in text!

Needs Cutting - Regularly depending on growth

  • Cut height - Medium to low deck height

  • Cuts per week - Once or twice every week

Water application - 1 - 4 times a week   

Fertiliser application - Follow instructions on product

Weed killer application - Follow instructions on product

Moss removal

Maintenance on tools - Make sure blade is sharp

Summer maintenance includes:

  • Watering Regime  - With summer in fall swing, the grass should be watered every other day, making sure the grass is saturated. Ideally, this should be carried out in the morning, allowing time for seepage into the ground, but evenings are just as good. Use a sprinkler or a hose pipe. With hose pipe bans becoming more of  a regular occurrance, make sure you have some stored away.

  • Height of Blade - Should be set to the medium to low setting, but as previously mentioned, this should be a gradual process.

  • Number of Cuts - Dependent on weather and grass growth. The grass should be growing very well at this point if properly watered. Cut regularly in accordance to growth, removing cuttings. Nearing the end of summer, growth will start to slow down.

  • Patchy Spots - Now is the time to do some repair work, use some grass seed and fill in the sparse areas. Water well on hot days. If these areas are large enough, simply re-turf and water well.

  • Fertiliser Application Fertiliser provides essential nutrients for greener grass, encouraging growth, helping repair discoloured and heavy footfall areas. Too much can negatively affect the grass, so apply evenly and follow product instructions. 

  • Weed Killer - Apply Glyphosate chemical to non-grass species. Follow the product instructions to prevent damage to the grass. Alternatively, remove by hand, making sure the root is removed to avoid re-growth.


September - November

As the trees start losing their leaves, it becomes a task to remove debris from settling upon the grass. This leaf layer will smother the grass, preventing sunlight, killing the grass, so remove any leaves and keep your lawn clean. Time to put the pool and games away. This is also the time when fungi start to fruit so use fungicides when necessary, following their instructions. 

Maintenance Checklist

Checklist criteria will be spoken about in more detail in text!

Needs Cutting - If suitable conditions permit

  • Cut height - Medium to low deck height

  • Cuts per week - Once every two weeks

Water application - Once every week if needed  

Fertiliser application - Follow instructions on product

Weed killer application - Follow instructions on product

Moss removal

Maintenance on tools - Make sure blade is sharp

Maintenance will slow down, with less regular cuts and watering but there are still things to do to make sure the turf winters well:

  • Watering Regime - If heat continues through to September, carry on watering in tune with the weather. By now the growing period will have slowed down so monitor and water according. 

  • Height of Blade - Should be set to the medium setting as the growing has slowed down and adequate length should be left for the grass to survive through the months to come.

  • Number of Cuts - Dependent on weather so cut in accordance to growth, removing cuttings. Near the end of November is when consideration must go into putting the mower away for the year.

  • Scarification - Should be carried out when dry, removing the thatch and moss. The tool should be used a couple of times over in different directions to dislodge as much debris as possible.

  • Fertiliser Application Fertiliser provides essential nutrients for greener grass, encouraging growth, helping repair discoloured and heavy footfall areas. Too much can negatively affect the grass, so apply evenly and follow product instructions. Add after scarification for best results.

  • Weed Killer - Apply Glyphosate chemical to non-grass species. Follow the product instructions to prevent damage to the grass. Alternatively, remove by hand, making sure the root is removed to avoid re-growth.


December - February

Avoid walking on the grass otherwise in summer there will be noticeable, grass-less areas and we don't want that! If access is required over the grass, then lay wooden boards and use them as stepping boards to cross. Make sure to move the boards from time to time.

Maintenance Checklist

Checklist criteria will be spoken about in more detail in text!

Needs Cutting 

  • Cut height 

  • Cuts per week 

Water application 

Fertiliser application 

Weed killer application 

Moss removal

Maintenance on tools - Make sure blade is sharp

All the hard work has been done this year relating to maintaining the turf, however there are a few things that could be done over this time period:

  • Maintenance of tools - Maintaining tools is an ongoing process, make sure everything is safe and ready to go! Sharpen those blades and see if you can get any garden products cheaply online, ready for spring.

  • Remove any debris  - We don't advise walking on the turf, however if there are a few leaves or debris on top of the turf, we recommend clearing it up

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